“10” Times Table Quiz

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    “Multiply By Ten, Zero At The End” Memory Tester

(Hint: You can see the answers by holding your mouse over the blanks)

To multiply by ten
Put a zero at the end
Of whatever number that you try to multiply
You'll get it right
If you'll just apply
This simple strategy

To multiply by ten
Put a zero at the end
Of whatever number that you try to multiply
You'll get it right
If you'll just apply
This simple strategy

T: So to multiply 7x10, all I have to do is put a zero after the seven and that will make ____ .

R: And 8x10 will be ____

T: That's right!

T: So if I want to multiply 19x10, I just put a zero after the 19 and I'll get ____ !

K: If I multiply a disc by ten, will I get disco?

R: No smarty pants, let's review!

To multiply by ten
Put a zero at the end
Of whatever number that you try to multiply

To multiply by ten
Put a zero at the end
Of whatever number that you try

To multiply by ten
Put a zero at the end
Of whatever number that you try to multiply

© 2005 Power Arts Company, Inc.

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